Victory In Europe Celebrations 2020

The 08th of May 2020 marked the 75th anniversary of Victory In Europe. This is a celebration that was close to our residents' hearts. In order to honor this day, we decided to hold a day of celebration.
Despite being in lockdown due to COVID-19, we organised a sing-a-long on the front lawn. All staff and residents waved the union jack whilst listening to an eclectic array of music. We danced, laughed and sung. The music drew the attention of many members of the public who stood on the public park at the back of The Limes and joined in with our celebration. Many staff, residents and visiting members of the public were very touched by our finishing song, "We'll Meet Again - Vera Lynn".
The residents and staff enjoyed their morning so much that we decided to arrange another sing-a-long for the afternoon, with one exception. We opened our celebration to some relatives and although it was very short notice they were able to attend!
The residents and staff sung and danced with some of their loved ones not too far away. Winston Churchill's speech from 1945 was played and a resident gave a toast which we all raised a glass. It was a very touching day; one that spread happiness and smiles, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Measures were put into place to ensure that the recommended social distancing guidelines were maintained throughout. This included between relatives, residents and staff members. This was something that not only the residents greatly appreciated but also the relatives that attended.