Our Structure
At The Limes we pride ourselves on knowing each and every resident very well and on them also knowing us.
Please navigate between the tabs below to get to know more about the staff members at The Limes.
Julie Woodhouse is the regisitered manager at The Limes under the new Care Standards Act 2000. Julie joined our team in August 2002 and has successfully run the home since. Prior to joining our team Julie was the Manager of a dual registered 40-bedded Nursing Home for 10 years in Nottinghamshire.
Some of Julie's qualifications include;
Julie has trained in Health Care of the Elderly and Terminally Ill.
- Julie has completed her NVQ in Health & Social Care Level 2, 3 and 4. Julie completed her Registered Managers Award and NVQ Health & Social Care Level 4 in 2005 with Derby University and Derby College.
- A highlight in Julie's career was receiving a Standard 4 from CSCI (now CQC) in Management on a previous routine inspection for Teamwork
- Julie is also a qualified Train the Trainer and First Aider
A full portfolio of Julie's qualifications is available directly from her.
Julie fully complies with Care Quality Commission (CQC) standards.
Julie has an open door policy and she is on-call 24/7; during times of unavailability Julie has a fantastic team of Day and Night Team Leaders who undertake responsibility with full guidance and support from Julie.
We have over 45 members of staff working at The Limes and many have worked at The Limes for over 10 years; this means that many departments within The Limes has a wealth of experience.
Please see the diagram below which helps provide an idea of the structure within The Limes.

All of our Team Leaders hold a NVQ Level 2 in Health & Social Care. Some of our Team Leaders either have or are working towards their Level 3.
Each member of staff across all departments at The Limes have an individual training portfolio and every member of staff completes Safeguarding, Mental Capacity, and Deprivation of Liberty of Safeguards training with Derby City Council.
A majority of staff members across all departments hold a practical and theoretical First Aid qualification which ensures that there are at least 2 First Aiders on every shift, day and night.
Staff complete extensive training and internal and external courses prior to working with us and ongoing throughout their career with us.
We ensure that all staff are fully competent in every aspect of their recruitment, training and assigned duties and that they carry out their duties with compassion.